Kardouw Boutique Wines
Exclusive small batch production of Piekenierskloof wines
"It is all about the grapes, get the best grapes possible and make sure you have the basics right, but don’t try to over engineer the process." Grettchen Van Der Merwe, Winemaker
Grettchen is a winemaker and viticulturist from South African. She studied at the University of Stellenbosch to become an oenologist and has worked in the wine industry for over 10 years. When she fell in love with a citrus farmer, she moved to the citrus capitol of South Africa, far away from the wineries she used to work with. Luckily, surrounding the citrus farms are gorgeous mountains full of high quality wine grapes for her to make wine with. Wine is not only a profession for her but also an absolute passion. Her enthusiasm is contagious and follows through into her wine.