Usana Family Vineyards


Usana wines can be found on Klein Welmoed farm outside of Stellenbosch. It is owned by brothers J. P and Pierre Winshaw. Usana is a Xhosa word meaning ‘a new beginning’ or ‘a baby’. 

Wine was one of the first ventures to take place on the farm. 2012 saw Jasper Raats and Hendrien de Munck start to make wine. After a few years this small wine estate began to expand to farm cattle, sheep, and chickens and also sell eggs and cultivates tomato tunnels.Their delightful old Cape Dutch shed was converted into a new tasting room and they are working towards a deli where their lamb, chicken, eggs and beef can be sold.

Embracing sustainability and ethical farming, Usana offers premium grade Grass Fed Beef, Pasture Reared Eggs and fine wine.